Source code for minizinc.instance

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import asyncio
import contextlib
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings
from dataclasses import field, make_dataclass
from datetime import timedelta
from enum import EnumMeta
from keyword import iskeyword
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import minizinc

from .driver import Driver
from .error import MiniZincError, parse_error
from .json import (
from .model import Method, Model, ParPath, UnknownExpression
from .result import Result, Status, parse_solution, set_stat
from .solver import Solver

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Final

    SEPARATOR: Final[bytes] = str.encode("----------" + os.linesep)
    SEPARATOR: bytes = str.encode("----------" + os.linesep)

class _GeneratedSolution:

[docs]class Instance(Model): """Representation of a MiniZinc instance in Python. Raises: MiniZincError: when an error occurs during the parsing or type checking of the model object. """ _driver: Driver _solver: Solver _input_cache: Optional[Dict[str, Type]] = None _output_cache: Optional[Dict[str, Type]] = None _method_cache: Optional[Method] = None _parent: Optional["Instance"] = None _field_renames: List[Tuple[str, str]] def __init__( self, solver: Solver, model: Optional[Model] = None, driver: Optional[Driver] = None, ): super().__init__() self._solver = solver self._field_renames = [] if driver is not None: self._driver = driver elif minizinc.default_driver is not None: self._driver = minizinc.default_driver else: raise Exception("No compatible driver provided") if model is not None: self.output_type = model.output_type self._includes = model._includes.copy() self._code_fragments = model._code_fragments.copy() self._data = dict.copy(model._data) self._enum_map = dict.copy(model._enum_map) self._checker = True # Generate output_type to ensure the same type between different # instances of the same model if self.output_type is None: self.analyse() model.output_type = self.output_type
[docs] def solve( self, timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None, nr_solutions: Optional[int] = None, processes: Optional[int] = None, random_seed: Optional[int] = None, all_solutions: bool = False, intermediate_solutions: bool = False, free_search: bool = False, optimisation_level: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Result: """Solves the Instance using its given solver configuration. Find the solutions to the given MiniZinc instance using the given solver configuration. First, the Instance will be ensured to be in a state where the solver specified in the solver configuration can understand the problem and then the solver will be requested to find the appropriate solution(s) to the problem. Args: timeout (Optional[timedelta]): Set the time limit for the process of solving the instance. nr_solutions (Optional[int]): The requested number of solution. (Only available on satisfaction problems and when the ``-n`` flag is supported by the solver). processes (Optional[int]): Set the number of processes the solver can use. (Only available when the ``-p`` flag is supported by the solver). random_seed (Optional[int]): Set the random seed for solver. (Only available when the ``-r`` flag is supported by the solver). free_search (bool): Allow the solver to ignore the search definition within the instance. (Only available when the ``-f`` flag is supported by the solver). all_solutions (bool): Request to solver to find all solutions. (Only available on satisfaction problems and when the ``-a`` flag is supported by the solver) intermediate_solutions (bool): Request the solver to output any intermediate solutions that are found during the solving process. (Only available on optimisation problems and when the ``-a`` flag is supported by the solver) optimisation_level (Optional[int]): Set the MiniZinc compiler optimisation level. - 0: Disable optimisation - 1: Single pass optimisation (default) - 2: Flatten twice to improve flattening decisions - 3: Perform root-node-propagation - 4: Probe bounds of all variables at the root node - 5: Probe values of all variables at the root node **kwargs: Other flags to be passed onto the solver. ``--`` can be omitted in the name of the flag. If the type of the flag is Boolean, then its value signifies its occurrence. Returns: Tuple[Status, Optional[Union[List[Dict], Dict]], Dict]: tuple containing solving status, values assigned in the solution, and statistical information. If no solutions is found the second member of the tuple is ``None``. Raises: MiniZincError: An error occurred while compiling or solving the model instance. """ coroutine = self.solve_async( timeout=timeout, nr_solutions=nr_solutions, processes=processes, random_seed=random_seed, all_solutions=all_solutions, intermediate_solutions=intermediate_solutions, free_search=free_search, optimisation_level=optimisation_level, **kwargs, ) try: if sys.platform == "win32": asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy()) return except RuntimeError as r: if "called from a running event loop" in r.args[0]: raise RuntimeError( "the synchronous MiniZinc Python `solve()` method was called from" " an asynchronous environment.\n\nBecause Python's asyncio library" " does not support using multiple event loops that would be" " required to use this method, we instead suggest you use the" " `solve_async()' method or patch Python behaviour with a package" " such as `nested_asyncio'.\n\nOriginal message: " + str(r) ) from r else: raise r
[docs] async def solve_async( self, timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None, nr_solutions: Optional[int] = None, processes: Optional[int] = None, random_seed: Optional[int] = None, all_solutions=False, intermediate_solutions=False, free_search: bool = False, optimisation_level: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Result: """Solves the Instance using its given solver configuration in a coroutine. This method returns a coroutine that finds solutions to the given MiniZinc instance. For more information regarding this methods and its arguments, see the documentation of :func:`~MiniZinc.Instance.solve`. Returns: Tuple[Status, Optional[Union[List[Dict], Dict]], Dict]: tuple containing solving status, values assigned, and statistical information. Raises: MiniZincError: An error occurred while compiling or solving the model instance. """ status = Status.UNKNOWN solution = None statistics: Dict[str, Any] = {} multiple_solutions = ( all_solutions or intermediate_solutions or nr_solutions is not None ) if multiple_solutions: solution = [] async for result in timeout=timeout, nr_solutions=nr_solutions, processes=processes, random_seed=random_seed, all_solutions=all_solutions, free_search=free_search, optimisation_level=optimisation_level, **kwargs, ): status = result.status statistics.update(result.statistics) if result.solution is not None: if multiple_solutions: solution.append(result.solution) else: solution = result.solution return Result(status, solution, statistics)
[docs] async def solutions( self, timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None, nr_solutions: Optional[int] = None, processes: Optional[int] = None, random_seed: Optional[int] = None, all_solutions=False, intermediate_solutions=False, free_search: bool = False, optimisation_level: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = False, debug_output: Optional[Path] = None, **kwargs, ) -> AsyncIterator[Result]: """An asynchronous generator for solutions of the MiniZinc instance. This method provides an asynchronous generator for the solutions of the MiniZinc instance. Every (intermediate) solution is yielded one at a time, the last item yielded from the generator will not contain a new solution, but will return the final Status and all remaining statistical values. For more information regarding this methods and its arguments, see the documentation of :func:`~MiniZinc.Instance.solve`. Yields: Result: A Result object containing the current solving status, values assigned, and statistical information. """ method = self.method # Ensure self.analyse() has been executed # Set standard command line arguments cmd: List[Any] = [ "--output-mode", "json", "--output-time", "--output-objective", "--output-output-item", "--statistics", # Enable statistics # Enable intermediate solutions # (ensure that solvers always output their best solution) "--intermediate-solutions", ] # Process number of solutions to be generated if all_solutions: if nr_solutions is not None: raise ValueError( "The number of solutions cannot be limited when looking " "for all solutions" ) if method != Method.SATISFY: raise NotImplementedError( "Finding all optimal solutions is not yet implemented" ) if "-a" not in self._solver.stdFlags: raise NotImplementedError("Solver does not support the -a flag") cmd.append("--all-solutions") elif nr_solutions is not None: if nr_solutions <= 0: raise ValueError( "The number of solutions can only be set to a positive " "integer number" ) if self.method != Method.SATISFY: raise NotImplementedError( "Finding multiple optimal solutions is not yet implemented" ) if "-n" not in self._solver.stdFlags: raise NotImplementedError("Solver does not support the -n flag") cmd.extend(["--num-solutions", str(nr_solutions)]) # Set number of processes to be used if processes is not None: cmd.extend(["--parallel", str(processes)]) # Set random seed to be used if random_seed is not None: cmd.extend(["--random-seed", str(random_seed)]) # Enable free search if specified if free_search: cmd.append("--free-search") # Set compiler optimisation level if specified if optimisation_level is not None: cmd.extend(["-O", str(optimisation_level)]) # Set time limit for the MiniZinc solving if timeout is not None: cmd.extend(["--time-limit", str(int(timeout.total_seconds() * 1000))]) if verbose: cmd.append("--verbose") for flag, value in kwargs.items(): if not flag.startswith("-"): flag = "--" + flag if type(value) is bool: if value: cmd.append(flag) else: cmd.extend([flag, value]) # Add files as last arguments with self.files() as files, self._solver.configuration() as solver: assert self.output_type is not None cmd.extend(files) status = Status.UNKNOWN last_status = Status.UNKNOWN code = 0 statistics: Dict[str, Any] = {} try: # Run the MiniZinc process proc = await self._driver._create_process(cmd, solver=solver) assert isinstance(proc.stderr, asyncio.StreamReader) assert isinstance(proc.stdout, asyncio.StreamReader) # Python 3.7+: replace with asyncio.create_task read_stderr = asyncio.ensure_future(_read_all(proc.stderr)) if self._driver.parsed_version >= (2, 6, 0): async for obj in decode_async_json_stream( proc.stdout, cls=MZNJSONDecoder, enum_map=self._enum_map ): solution, new_status, statistics = self._parse_stream_obj( obj, statistics ) if new_status is not None: status = new_status elif solution is not None: if status == Status.UNKNOWN: status = Status.SATISFIED yield Result(status, solution, statistics) last_status = status solution = None statistics = {} else: async for raw_sol in _seperate_solutions(proc.stdout): status = Status.SATISFIED solution, statistics = parse_solution( raw_sol, self.output_type, self._enum_map, self._field_renames, ) yield Result(Status.SATISFIED, solution, statistics) code = await proc.wait() except asyncio.IncompleteReadError as err: # End of Stream has been reached # Read remaining text in buffer code = await proc.wait() remainder = err.partial # Parse and output the remaining statistics and status messages if self._driver.parsed_version >= (2, 6, 0): for obj in decode_json_stream( remainder, cls=MZNJSONDecoder, enum_map=self._enum_map ): solution, new_status, statistics = self._parse_stream_obj( obj, statistics ) if new_status is not None: status = new_status elif solution is not None: if status == Status.UNKNOWN: status = Status.SATISFIED yield Result(status, solution, statistics) solution = None statistics = {} else: for res in filter(None, remainder.split(SEPARATOR)): new_status = Status.from_output(res, method) if new_status is not None: status = new_status solution, statistics = parse_solution( res, self.output_type, self._enum_map, self._field_renames, ) yield Result(status, solution, statistics) except (asyncio.CancelledError, MiniZincError, Exception): # Process was cancelled by the user, a MiniZincError occurred, or # an unexpected Python exception occurred # First, terminate the process proc.terminate() _ = await proc.wait() # Then, reraise the error that occurred raise if self._driver.parsed_version >= (2, 6, 0) and ( status != last_status or statistics != {} ): yield Result(status, None, statistics) # Raise error if required stderr = await read_stderr if code != 0 or status == Status.ERROR: raise parse_error(stderr) if debug_output is not None: debug_output.write_bytes(stderr)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def branch(self) -> Iterator["Instance"]: # TODO: Self reference """Create a branch of the current instance Branches from the current instance and yields a child instance. Any changes made to the child instance can not influence the current instance. WARNING: The branch method assumes that no changes will be made to the parent method while the child instance is still alive. Changes to the parent model are locked until the child method are destroyed. Yields: Instance: branched child instance """ child = self.__class__(self._solver) child._parent = self # Copy current information from analysis child._method_cache = self.method child.output_type = self.output_type child._output_cache = self._output_cache child._input_cache = self._input_cache with self._lock: yield child
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def files(self) -> Iterator[List[Path]]: """Gets list of files of the Instance Files will create a list of paths to the files that together form the Instance. Parts of the Instance might be saved to files and are only guaranteed to exist while within the created context. Yields: List of Path objects to existing and created files """ files: List[Path] = [] fragments: List[str] = [] data: Dict[str, Any] = {} inst: Optional["Instance"] = self while inst is not None: for k, v in inst._data.items(): if isinstance(v, UnknownExpression) or k in data: fragments.append(f"{k} = {v};\n") elif isinstance(v, EnumMeta): data[k] = [str(mem) for mem in v.__members__] else: data[k] = v fragments.extend(inst._code_fragments) files.extend(inst._includes) inst = inst._parent gen_files = [] try: if len(data) > 0: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="mzn_data", suffix=".json", delete=False ) gen_files.append(file) file.write( json.dumps(data, cls=MZNJSONEncoder, ensure_ascii=False).encode() ) file.close() files.append(Path( if len(fragments) > 0 or len(files) == 0: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="mzn_fragment", suffix=".mzn", delete=False ) gen_files.append(file) for code in fragments: file.write(code.encode()) file.close() files.append(Path( yield files finally: for file in gen_files: file.close() os.remove(
@property def method(self) -> Method: """Query the Method used by the Instance. Returns: Method: Method of the goal used by the Instance. """ if self._method_cache is None: self.analyse() assert self._method_cache is not None return self._method_cache @property def input(self) -> Dict[str, Type]: """Query the input parameters of the Instance. Returns: Dict[str, Type]: A mapping from parameter identifiers to their Types. """ if self._input_cache is None or self._method_cache is None: self.analyse() assert self._input_cache is not None return self._input_cache @property def output(self): """Query the output parameters of the Instance. Returns: Dict[str, Type]: A mapping from parameter identifiers to their Types. """ if self._output_cache is None or self._method_cache is None: self.analyse() assert self._output_cache is not None return self._output_cache
[docs] def analyse(self): """Discovers basic information about a CLIInstance Analyses a given instance and discovers basic information about set model such as the solving method, the input parameters, and the output parameters. The information found will be stored among the attributes of the instance. """ with self.files() as files: assert len(files) > 0 output = self._driver._run(["--model-interface-only"] + files, self._solver) if self._driver.parsed_version >= (2, 6, 0): interface = None for obj in decode_json_stream(output.stdout): if obj["type"] == "interface": interface = obj break else: interface = json.loads(output.stdout) old_method = self._method_cache self._method_cache = Method.from_string(interface["method"]) self._input_cache = {} for key, value in interface["input"].items(): self._input_cache[key] = _to_python_type(value) old_output = self._output_cache self._output_cache = {} for key, value in interface["output"].items(): self._output_cache[key] = _to_python_type(value) if interface.get("has_output_item", True): self._output_cache["_output_item"] = str if self._checker: self._output_cache["_checker"] = str if self.output_type is None or ( issubclass(self.output_type, _GeneratedSolution) and (self._output_cache != old_output or self._method_cache != old_method) ): fields = [] self._field_renames = [] if ( self._method_cache is not Method.SATISFY and "objective" not in self._output_cache ): fields.append(("objective", Number)) for k, v in self._output_cache.items(): if k in ["_output_item", "_checker"]: fields.append((k, str, field(default=""))) elif iskeyword(k): warnings.warn( f"MiniZinc field '{k}' is a Python keyword. It has been " f"renamed to 'mzn_{k}'", SyntaxWarning, ) self._field_renames.append((k, "mzn_" + k)) fields.append(("mzn_" + k, v)) else: fields.append((k, v)) minizinc.logger.debug( f"CLIInstance:analyse -> output fields: " f"{[f[0:2] for f in fields]}" ) methods = {} if interface.get("has_output_item", True): methods["__str__"] = ( lambda myself: myself.__repr__() if myself._output_item == "" else myself._output_item ) if self._checker: methods["check"] = lambda myself: myself._checker self.output_type = make_dataclass( "Solution", fields, bases=(_GeneratedSolution,), namespace=methods, frozen=True, )
def _reset_analysis(self): self._method_cache = None
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def flat( self, timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None, optimisation_level: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ): """Produce a FlatZinc file for the instance. Args: timeout (Optional[timedelta]): Set the time limit for the process of flattening the instance. TODO: An exception is raised if the timeout is reached. optimisation_level (Optional[int]): Set the MiniZinc compiler optimisation level. - 0: Disable optimisation - 1: Single pass optimisation (default) - 2: Flatten twice to improve flattening decisions - 3: Perform root-node-propagation - 4: Probe bounds of all variables at the root node - 5: Probe values of all variables at the root node **kwargs: Other flags to be passed to the compiler. ``--`` can be omitted in the name of the flag. If the type of the flag is Boolean, then its value signifies its occurrence. Yields: Tuple containing the files of the FlatZinc model, the output model and a dictionary the statistics of flattening """ cmd: List[Any] = ["--compile", "--statistics"] fzn = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="fzn_", suffix=".fzn", delete=False) cmd.extend(["--fzn",]) fzn.close() ozn = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="ozn_", suffix=".fzn", delete=False) cmd.extend(["--ozn",]) ozn.close() if timeout is not None: cmd.extend(["--time-limit", str(int(timeout.total_seconds() * 1000))]) # Set compiler optimisation level if specified if optimisation_level is not None: cmd.extend(["-O", str(optimisation_level)]) for flag, value in kwargs.items(): if not flag.startswith("-"): flag = "--" + flag if type(value) is bool: if value: cmd.append(flag) else: cmd.extend([flag, value]) # Add files as last arguments with self.files() as files: cmd.extend(files) # Run the MiniZinc process output = self._driver._run(cmd, solver=self._solver) statistics: Dict[str, Any] = {} matches = re.findall(rb"%%%mzn-stat:? (\w*)=([^\r\n]*)", output.stdout) for m in matches: set_stat(statistics, m[0].decode(), m[1].decode()) try: yield fzn, ozn, statistics finally: os.remove( os.remove(
[docs] def add_file(self, file: ParPath, parse_data: bool = True) -> None: self._reset_analysis() return super().add_file(file, parse_data)
[docs] def add_string(self, code: str) -> None: self._reset_analysis() return super().add_string(code)
def _parse_stream_obj(self, obj, statistics): solution = None status = None if obj["type"] == "solution": tmp = obj["output"]["json"] if "_objective" in tmp: tmp["objective"] = tmp.pop("_objective") if "_output" in tmp: tmp["_output_item"] = tmp.pop("_output") for before, after in self._field_renames: tmp[after] = tmp.pop(before) if "_checker" in statistics: tmp["_checker"] = statistics.pop("_checker") solution = self.output_type(**tmp) statistics["time"] = timedelta(milliseconds=obj["time"]) elif obj["type"] == "time": statistics["time"] = timedelta(milliseconds=obj["time"]) elif obj["type"] == "statistics": for key, val in obj["statistics"].items(): set_stat(statistics, key, str(val)) elif obj["type"] == "status": status = Status.from_str(obj["status"]) elif obj["type"] == "checker": if "raw" in obj["output"]: statistics["_checker"] = obj["output"]["raw"] else: # TODO: can we ensure this is made JSON? statistics["_checker"] = obj["output"]["dzn"] return solution, status, statistics
def _to_python_type(mzn_type: dict) -> Type: """Converts MiniZinc JSON type to Type Converts a MiniZinc JSON type definition generated by the MiniZinc CLI to a Python Type object. This can be used on types that result from calling ``minizinc --model-interface-only``. Args: mzn_type (dict): MiniZinc type definition as resulting from JSON Returns: Type: Type definition in Python """ basetype = mzn_type["type"] pytype: Type # TODO: MiniZinc does not report enumerated types correctly if basetype == "bool": pytype = bool elif basetype == "float": pytype = float elif basetype == "int": pytype = int elif basetype == "string": pytype = str elif basetype == "ann": pytype = str elif basetype == "tuple": pytype = list elif basetype == "record": pytype = dict else: warnings.warn( f"Unable to determine minizinc type `{basetype}` assuming integer type", FutureWarning, ) pytype = int if mzn_type.get("set", False): if pytype is int: pytype = Union[Set[int], range] # type: ignore else: pytype = Set[pytype] # type: ignore dim = mzn_type.get("dim", 0) while dim >= 1: # No typing support for n-dimensional typing pytype = List[pytype] # type: ignore dim -= 1 return pytype async def _seperate_solutions(stream: asyncio.StreamReader): solution: bytes = b"" while not stream.at_eof(): try: solution += await stream.readuntil(SEPARATOR) yield solution solution = b"" except asyncio.LimitOverrunError as err: solution += await stream.readexactly(err.consumed) async def _read_all(stream: asyncio.StreamReader): output: bytes = b"" while not stream.at_eof(): try: output += await return output except asyncio.LimitOverrunError as err: output += await stream.readexactly(err.consumed) return output